Clara Lacroce

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AI researcher,
Reasoning and Learning Lab, Mila,
School of Computer Science, McGill University,

About me

I am a Postdoctoral researcher at McGill University and Mila. I am working to develop provable approximation algorithms for black boxes trained for language modelling on sequential data. To make those models more interpretable, I use tools from functional analysis, dynamical systems and control theory.

I completed my PhD at McGill University, where I worked under the supervision of Prakash Panangaden and Doina Precup.

Before that I studied in the ALGANT Erasmus Mundus program, a two years double degree program in pure mathematics. I have a master in math from Concordia University, and one from University of Padova, specializing in algebra, geometry and number theory.

Here is my resume (last updated: 2024/01/20).

Here is a short version of my resume (last updated: 2024/01/20).

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